Winter Sale on Box LIners! Buy 1 case, take a second case at 15% off with promo code CHILLY! Excludes Clearance Corner items. Offer ends 3-31-25.

12" or 16" Manual Impulse Hand Sealer
12" or 16" Manual Impulse Hand Sealer
12" or 16" Manual Impulse Hand Sealer
12" or 16" Manual Impulse Hand Sealer
12" or 16" Manual Impulse Hand Sealer

12" or 16" Manual Impulse Hand Sealer

Regular price $183.00 Sale

Impulse Hand Sealers are heavy duty and offer customers a convenient method for reliably sealing polybags or Cook Chill bags. The sealing process is simple: the operator places the bag over the sealing element and lowers the upper jaw thus activating the unit. The seal process quickly ends once the preset seal time is reached. The operator retrieves the sealed bag and repeats the process. Bags are sealed repeatedly and uniformly.  **TAKES TWO OPERATORS**  For one-person operation, see also: Impulse Foot Sealers.

Our hand sealers are available in two sizes: 12" and 16" to accommodate varying bag sizes. 

12" Hand Sealers:  $168.00 each
Suitable to seal Cook Chill bags up to 12" in width. Suggested for 6", 8" and 10" wide Cook Chill bags. 

Max. Seal Length : 12 inches
Max. Material Thickness : 8 mil
Seal Width : 5 mm
Watts : 850 W 

16" Hand Sealers:  $210.00 each

Suitable to seal Cook Chill bags up to 16" in width. Suggested for 6", 8", 10", 12" and 14" wide Cook Chill bags. 

Max. Seal Length : 16 inches
Max. Material Thickness : 8 mil
Seal Width : 5 mm
Watts : 1000 W